Saturday, 31 December 2011

major blog neglect, here's to 2012

so, as I write (type) this I am in bed with the flu watching the fireworks through my window. not quite the crazy new year's I had in mind...but hey! it's been a crazy long time since I last blogged and so much has happened. I have a new job I start in the new year and I couldn't be more excited. I've been spending a lot of time with friends and family over Christmas and it's been really good.

I guess one of my resolutions is actually to commit to this blog more! in general 2011 was a bit hit and miss, things in my personal life could have been much better and I learnt a lot of tough lessons. but truly everything happens for a reason, and we all make decisions based on fate. if we don't believe that then there truly isn't much point in anything.

don't you just love that January 1st each year brings about a whole new life agenda and a fresh start? I just know 2012 has got some great things on the cards. mainly for me I am going to be an auntie in July! the baby is due on my birthday too, how cool?!

so, here's raising a (virtual) glass to learning from heartbreaks and mistakes in 2011 and pushing forward with everything that comes along in 2012


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